>Un accueil transdisciplinaire pour soutenir et inspirer toute recherche du sens
Un accueil transdisciplinaire pour soutenir et inspirer toute recherche du sens

piyushKnow Your Teacher : Bonjour/amaskaram, I am Dipti, from India, a Certified Isha Hatha Yoga Teacher with 1750 transformative hours of intense training under the guidance of Sadhguru at Isha Yoga Centre Coimbatore, India. I have been teaching these practices in India, France and other cities in Europe.

Structure of the program : I'll be offering different practices in weekend workshops every alternate month in Paris. 

You can look at the different programs on my website and their levels of intensity or contact me for more information. (https://intensify-hatha-yoga.com/)

The programs are designed with much precision and care. After attending the programs, you are empowered to practice by yourself and integrate the practices you have learned into your daily routine. However, if there are any questions after the programs or you would like to have a review session then I am here to support you.

 No Pre-requisites : To learn the Isha System of Hatha Yoga you do not need previous experience in Yoga. 

 Benefits : With the Isha Hatha Yoga practices, you will revive your energies, feel connected and live a balanced life.

- En 2023, les vendredi, samedi & dimanche suivants :

  • 23, 24 & 25 juin - 15, 16 & 17 septembre
  • 13, 14 & 15 octobre. - 17, 18 & 19 novembre
  • Le vendredi de 15h00 à 23h30
  • Le samedi de 8h00 à 21h00 & Le dimanche de 8h30 à 20h00

Information & Registration : To know about upcoming programs, schedule and prices please contact : intensify.hatha.yoga@gmail.com or +33 (0)

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Les Miroirs de l'Âme
41 rue Labat
75018 PARIS
01 44 92 02 99